Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So just let me introduce myself.....

My name is Humpty, pronounced with an UMpty.....


My name is Alisha.  People call me Mom, Babe, Nicki, Mrs. S, and Bitch.  (Well, not to my face, but I'm sure some people have said it!).  I'm 30 (yes the dreaded 30) and I'm not quite sure how I feel about being 30, but hey....no stopping time unfortunately!

I'm a mom....yes, a wonderful mother of two beautiful boys.  P and B ( and no there will be no J).  P is 4 1/2 and B is going to be 2 at the beginning of October.  Time moves way to quick when it comes to these little guys.  With Parker it's like I blinked and he's almost 5 years old.  Beckett, I feel like he was just a little baby yesterday. 

They are growing way too damn fast.

I don't like it.

I'm married to my high school sweetheart!  Awww....isn't it cute?  I think so.  He is pretty awesome if I do say so myself.  He's one of those guys...you either like him or you hate him.  There is definitely no in between.  He's blunt and says it like it is and even though I find that pretty endearing, there are times where I want to shove a sock in his mouth.  He's a teacher (high school special education) and a high school baseball coach.  People who *think* they know him think he's kind of a jerk, way too outspoken and they tend to think he doesn't really get into his teaching thing that it's just a job.  Those people have no idea who he really is.  He's pretty damn smart, working on his second Master's degree and after that beginning his PhD in Education.  He's SUPER dad, extremely thoughtful, loving and caring and when it comes to his job, I believe God put him on this earth to be the teacher he is.  So, I think pretty highly of him!

Me ~ well, I'm me.  I have a great group of friends, we go way back to middle school and ALL of us hang out and celebrate everything with each other like a family.  This group included guys and girls mind you.  We have Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Years, Euchre tournaments....and we are a family.  I'm very lucky.  We're all very lucky actually.  I work at a major university in the Cincinnati area and I work for the Dean of a particular college.  Why won't I tell you who it is, you ask?  Well, that's because I HATE my job and I will probably complain about it on a regular basis!  I started here in January 2010 after I had been laid off from my AWESOME job back in September 2009.  It was a huge pay cut, but I thought it wouldn't be too bad to get my foot in the door here and see how it goes...against my better judgement.  Instead, I'm treated like a twelve year old, talked down to like I'm a dog and have pretty much nothing but mindless crap to do.....I'm looking for a new job and have been for the past couple of months..let me know if you know of anything. 

Other than that, I come from a big family.  My parents divorced when I was 5 and are both remarried and have been for 20+ years.  I have two step brothers (one from my step-mom and one from my step-dad) and two half sisters and a half brother.  You will never hear me refer to them as my "step" or "half" siblings.  They are my REAL siblings and I would pretty much kill for all of them.  I have 9 nieces and nephews so far (I say that because there are still plenty of babies to be had in my family.....just not by me!).  I love music...all kinds.  I would much rather listen to music than watch any kind of television and hope that my kids get this passion as well.  If I could afford it, I would go to EVERY concert there was around here!

That's pretty much me in a nut shell. 

So, why did I name my blog, "Under the Table and Dreaming?"  Well, Dave Matthews Band is one of my very favorites (shocker!) and I just thought it was a perfect title for me.  Because most of my day here at my crappy job I'm pretty much day dreaming of where I wish I was, or where I wish I could be or will be in the future.

I'm just gonna warn you....I'm not really that interesting of a person, but sometimes I can be.  Part of my family is SUPER dramatic and scandalise, so you will get some joy out of that.  I will just let you in on our lives and this is a good way for me to keep track of everything that is going on.

Welcome and enjoy the ride.